Tuesday 9 August 2011

Entry 2: Was this what we really aimed for?

Dear Diary,
     It is winter now. Ever since Snowball was chased out, Napoleon ruled the farm with a strict hand. Things have changed drastically. Recently, Napoleon’s dogs have killed animals. I thought I remembered it was said that "No animal shall kill any other animal" but instead it read "No animal shall kill any other animal without cause". This what had just happened a day ago.
     Napoleon had called every animal to assemble at the yard. I found it rather strange as Napoleon rarely called for meetings and Squealer is usually helping deliver and persuade the announcements to us, animals. When everyone had gathered at the yard, Napoleon appeared out of the farmhouse with his nine dogs frisking round him and uttering growls that sent shivers down our spines. Upon seeing the dogs, we crouched silently in fear. Everyone was rather expecting something terrible to happen. 
     Out of the blue, Napoleon suddenly gave a high-pitched whimper, huge dogs then pounced unto the four pigs and with very little effort, dragged them to Napoleon's feet. Their ears were bleeding! Three of them then flung themselves upon Boxer for protection. After some drama, Napoleon suddenly proclaimed to the pigs to confess their crimes! 
     The four pigs had confessed that they had been in touch with Snowball and they had all worked together with him to destroy the windmill. At that very moment, the dogs then literally tore their throats out! And Napoleon then demanded that any other animal who had other crimes to confess! That was when the killing had started! Animals would confess their crimes and the dogs immediately attacked them and slaughtered them on the spot, at that very moment.
     This had continued until every animal had nothing more to say. At the yard, lay many corpses of animals that confessed their crimes. The atmosphere was tense and anxious. No one spoke and everyone was in shock. The air was filled with the heavy scent of blood. There was only a handful of animals left alive. There was nothing we could do or say to turn this whole situation around and bring our dead comrades back to life. Hence, we just crept away from in a body, leaving the pigs, the dogs and that bloody yard.
     I was astounded, shocked, upset, any word that could describe this empty feeling. Sadness flooded my heart. Ever since the expulsion of Jones, no animal had killed any other animal, until this very fateful day. All of us had nothing to say. Muriel, Benjamin, the cows, the sheep, a whole flock of geese and hens, mostly everyone had huddled together around me. Not speaking. I couldn't think of anything except of what that had just happened. All I could think of was, this is NOT was we had aimed for before the Rebellion had taken place... Slaughter was not what we looked forward to.. Everyone would protect each and every animal that got hurt. I do not know why, we now do not have that courage to speak our minds out and stand up for what we believe in.. I lacked the words to express my thoughts at that time.. The only thing I could do was to start humming the tune, "Beasts Of England" Just at that time, Squealer came forth saying that very hymn that brought us hope was forbidden in this farm.

     What was happening, this is not what the Rebellion was about, right? Then why is things turning out like this?

Disappointed, Upset and Lost
Signing Off,
Clover <3

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