Thursday 25 August 2011

Entry 4: Was It Better Or Worse Than In Mr Jones Days?

Dear Diary,
    Many years have passed, seasons passed and the farm seemed to be prosperous.The windmill is already built, Boxer must be so proud of us animals that pulled through. It has been many since Boxer's death, I doubt anybody has forgotten him. He was an inspiration and a great role model in Animal Farm. Benjamin and I are getting old. Animals seemed to say I have changed, I am a old stout mare now, I may not seem like the perfect horse like before but I still have the same personality as before. Life is different in Animal Farm now, it felt more laborious and miserable.
    In the first rebellion, where Old Major had told us the blasphemy of men, he had stated 7 rules for the Rebellion.
1) Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2) Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3) No animal shall wear clothes.
4) No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5) No animal shall drink alcohol.
6) No animal shall kill any other animal. 
7) All animals are equal.
     Old Major had warned us NEVER to adopt man's vices. That Rebellion have been achieved. In my opinion, I feel that the Rebellion has turned back to our normal lives were Jones had the rightful hand of the farm again. Our lives now seems to be full of slavery, misery, leading a laborious lifestyle, and great hunger among us animals- except for the pigs.
    Things have changed, 'Beasts Of England' tune has been banned and it was the song that lead us to our first Rebellion. Pigs were drinking alcohol, engaging trade with humans, sleeping in a bed and had killed comrades. Recently, days ago, Benjamin, the other animals that lived on the farm and I have witnessed a nightmare. Pigs and Man. We could not seem to differentiate them from each other. Squealer have taught the sheep a new song 'Four legs good, two legs better!' That is despicable. We were never allowed to walk on two legs! Until the pigs changed that rule! It was an evening when I was on my way back to the farm after work, I saw a pig walking on it's hind legs! It was Squealer. Moments later, out of the farmhouse, came a long file of pigs, all walking on their hind legs and Napoleon, the 'leader', was carrying a whip in his hand! Napoleon ruled the farm with fear, controlling every single thing. Everyone feared Napoleon, he was known for getting everything his way. During the 'parade' of the pigs walking in two legs, the sheep bleated tremendously, 'Four legs good, two legs better!'
    Wasn't this against the rules? Confused, I nuzzled Benjamin, leading him towards the big barn, where the seven commandments were written. To me, it seemed that the seven commandments have changed in the past few years. When we were at the big barn, it seemed different. I asked Benjamin, what was written down on the wall of the big barn,
 but only few words that he had read was: 'All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal then others.' At first, this seemed weird, but the next day, Benjamin and I did not find it weird because all the pigs supervising the farm were carrying whips in their trotters. First it started with the pigs carrying whips in their trotters, gradually, they arranged to install a telephone. Napoleon would usually be seen with a pipe in his mouth while strolling in the farmhouse garden and slowly he started wearing clothes.
    Sometimes I would wonder in my mind, was this what Old Major really saw in his dream or was this a nightmare happening. It seemed that Old Benjamin was now the oldest and the wisest among the animals in the farm.
    Just a night ago, us, animals had seen with our own eyes that the pigs had invited farmers from the neighboring farms to make a tour of inspection. We were all working diligently at the turnip field. In the evening, when our work was done, we were stricken with curiosity to hear the unknown sounds coming from the farmhouse. We crept toward the farmhouse garden and after passing the gate, I led the way in. We tiptoed up to the house and saw many farmers sitting at a long table with the pigs playing a game of cards. The pigs were associating with the men! They were adopting their vices and are starting to behave exactly like men. When we looked into the farmhouse again, it seemed that we could not differentiate the pigs from men. It was bad enough.
    I felt angry, cheated, upset and disappointed. At the start of the Rebellion, we -all animals, including the pigs- had agreed that ALL animals are equal and would be equal forever. The pigs have been treating us as a minority and themselves as a majority! It is not fair. I somehow feel that there is a need for another Rebellion! Against the pigs, overthrowing them and showing them that they have not done what is right and is not fair. Like how we managed to overthrow Mr Jones! I am looking forward to that and I am wishing someone would take the leadership role with me to stand against the pigs and start another REBELLION.

Determine, Furious
Signing Off,
Clover <3

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